What Makes Us Special
Otello has been making children’s summer dreams come true since 2003. We offer a sleepaway experience filled with amazing memories, lifelong friendships and nurturing and compassionate staff. Our community is designed to allow kids to be kids, in a fun and innovative space.
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Origin Story
The year was 2003, It was the start of a new century and the internet bubble had just burst. The need for a safe space for children to discover their superpowers, learn new skills and be a part of a family of superheroes was apparent, we had to do something. After months of research and discussions with focus groups, the planets aligned and Otello was born. Our mission was clear - get our heroes ready for tomorrow , encourage and challenge them to develop to become the best version of themselves.
Our Values
We encourage our heroes to think outside the box when coming up with with ideas and facing challenges the the world throws their way.
We believe all heroes have superpowers and can achieve anything they set their minds on. Everyone member of our family gets this and is encouraged to harness their abilities in a fun way
We are a community and we understand the value of teamwork as it communicate with others, increase their social skills and self-confidence and help them to develop into happier adults
We know the development of our heroes is tied to the development of the world, so our programs are designed to ensure they get the best of their time here.